Every large enterprise needs to embark on a journey of process automation using RPA, ML, AI and other such technologies. The most important initial step is for the enterprise to be able to conclusively assess which of its processes would lend themselves to being automated and what the business benefits and returns on investment are going to be. Many enterprises have either ignored or taken this step lightly at their own peril.

TAO ASSESST is a definitive assessment consulting framework and methodology that studies the process landscape both holistically and in depth, and provides the enterprise with an automation roadmap, the business case and post automation outcomes across several business parameters.


The Definitive Process Automation Assessment Consulting Framework

Enterprises have faced challenges of being unable to develop appropriate business cases for their automation projects
  • Many of the assessments have been unidimensional.
  • Often projects have remained in the ‘POC’ or ‘pilot’ stages.
  • Enterprises are losing the opportunity to benefit from enterprise wide automation initiatives due to inadequate efforts in assessment and outcomes planning.
TAO’s ASSESSTTMconsulting provides several benefits to the enterprise
  • Process maps to L5 levels
  • Process grouping
  • Business Case scenarios
  • Post automation outcomes measured across a diverse set of parameters for cost, quality, productivity and efficiency
  • Comprehensive automation roadmap and project plan
  • Investment planning guidelines